Why your story matters.


You've heard me say again and again that your story matters.

Today, I thought I'd tell you a little bit more about what I mean by that. 

As you know, my purpose is to help people (that means you!) tell their stories. 

More specifically: I’m here to help people tell better stories. Stories they really care about. Stories they’re incredibly proud of. Stories that help others. Stories that bring meaning and magic into our lives. Stories that have a purpose beyond themselves. 

I believe in your story so much, because I believe that better stories = a better world. 

When I think about the impact stories can have, I envision a world where people boldly pursue the unique and special difference they were put here to make. 

In such a world, we share our stories — our unique ideas, perspectives, knowledge, experiences, insights — in a way that helps others. 

We don’t hide our authenticity, we don’t wait to do our best work, we don’t settle for status quo. Instead, we fight for the ideas that we believe can make a difference, we lean into our uniqueness, and we strive to serve others with every word on the page. 

When we do this, we realize that stories aren’t just about us; they’re ultimately about connection with others. We know our stories are bigger than us. They’re a way to connect with others, create new pathways for learning, exploration, collaboration, community, and so much more. 

In such a world, we see LESS... 

Self-doubt; saying “I can’t write”; meaningless social media posting; mediocre or manipulative marketing; half-assed product development; “I’ll get to it eventually”; content as a cheap commodity; doing work that our heart just isn’t into.

and MORE... 

Commitment to work that matters; bravery, authenticity, and uniqueness; ideas that matter; collaboration; serving others; striving for excellence; lasting relationships; doing work we are all really, really proud of; and having fun in the process.

That’s why I believe in your story so much — no matter what kind of story you have to tell.  

I believe in your story whether...

… it’s a personal one, like a sincere post on social media, an honest conversation with a friend, a short story, a zine, a memoir, or even a journal entry.

… it’s business-related, like knowledge you want to share, a course, a textbook, a speech, a workshop, a webinar, or thoughtful marketing content.

And whether...

… it’s big idea, something you want to spread far and wide

... or a small test project you want to dip your toe into.

And whether…

… it has a specific goal or message to impart

… or is funny or silly or beautiful or entertaining or joyful or simple or sweet.

All of these are stories, no matter how “factual” or practical or strategic they may or may not seem… have an opportunity to make a difference. 

That's my WHY — my reason for being here. And why I believe your story matters so much. 

What’s your “why”? Comment below and let me know what motivates you to share your stories.

No matter the answer, I’m so glad you’re here with me.

Camille DePutterComment