What do you want to get better at this year?


Well, it finally happened. September has arrived. 

As someone who is thoroughly obsessed with the summer season, I have mixed feelings about this month. On the one hand, it marks the end of summer. 😭

But on the plus side, it brings with it a fresh-start kind of vibe. 🎒📚

It’s an invitation to go “back-to-school” in our own way, and channel some renewed energy towards new projects and initiatives.

To me, September says: hey, we’ve got four more months left of the year, so what do you want to do with it? 

And that, to me, is exciting.

On that note, I’ve got two things for you today. 

The first is a quick survey about you and your goals for this year.

I want to know what YOU want to focus on in these coming months (and beyond.) So, I compiled a short survey with a few questions to that effect.

Your answers to this survey will help me understand how I can best serve you, through this newsletter, my podcast, and upcoming offerings. Plus, perhaps answering these few questions for me will help you reflect on and clarify your own goals for the fall and winter seasons.

You can find the survey here: https://forms.gle/peUkbniE8kWNhQ7VA. A huge thank you in advance for filling it out. 

Second thing: A brand new podcast episode to help you get better at, well, just about anything! 

As you look ahead this year, what’s on your radar? New habits you want to form? Old habits you want to break? Behaviors you want to change? Skills you want to strengthen? 

Whatever it is you want to do better, my podcast guest Karin Nordin has your back. 

Karin Nordin is a PhD expert in behavior change and mindset theory. After graduating with her doctorate, Karin had a striking realization: The typical self-help and productivity approaches of the personal development industry were shockingly inconsistent with the actual research on change. That inconsistency became the fuel for her business Body Brain Alliance, where she’s on a mission to teach compassion-first change techniques that actually work. 

Through our podcast conversation, Karin provides compassionate, science-based guidance for personal and professional growth, while debunking myths about behavior change along the way.

In this episode, we cover:

  • Why a lot of common “self help” advice is misleading, inadequate, or just plain wrong. (Plus, the truth about growth mindset!)

  • The multi-step process that is essential in order to get better at just about anything.

  • Why consistency is overrated, and what to focus on instead as you aim to build habits or behaviors.

  • Why you should embrace the struggle of doing things you suck at. (There’s real neuroscience behind this! Plus, what you can learn from Big Brother and Survivor.) 

  • What you should know if you have ADHD – or other forms of neurodivergence – when it comes to behavior change.

  • A secret trick to help you feel more confident as you pursue goals and challenges.

  • The #1 thing leaders and coaches should consider before trying to get someone else to change

  • What the whole “caterpillar and butterfly” metaphor gets wrong, plus a healthy reminder for anyone who is pursuing improvement ← This is my favourite part of the entire interview, don’t miss it!

And so much more. This is a fantastic episode, full of both practical and compassionate advice. Check it out here: my website, Spotify, Apple, Google, Amazon, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts.

And be sure to find Karin at bodybrainalliance.com, and on Instagram: karinnordinphd and bodybrainalliance

Final thing before you go: Please check out my survey and spend just a couple minutes answering the questions. I’ll be very grateful to hear what you have to say. 

Camille DePutterComment