How do you write a book? With Molly Galbraith


If writing a book is on your bucket list…

… and/or you want to use your story to help others…

this is for you.

First, some background:

I often write about the process of bringing stories to life.

Storytelling—especially in the form of major projects, like books—can take a lot of time and effort. (We might even wonder, every once in a while, if all our hard work and courage and perseverance is worth it.)

But when a project is completed, when that story is out in the world, when we can see it, touch it, hold it in our hands, put it on our shelf… that is a truly magical thing. ✨✨✨

I find it incredibly rewarding and fulfilling to help my clients’ stories, projects and books come to life, so they can experience that magical feeling for themselves.

Today is one of those magical moments for me because my client Molly Galbraith has just released her book!

Her book is called Strong Women Lift Each Other Up. I was Molly’s writing partner on this book, and I’m honestly so thrilled to announce its release. You can find it pretty much anywhere you buy your books in the US, Canada, UK, Australia, Germany, New Zealand (and hopefully more to come.)

So, here’s what I did for you.

I recorded a special interview with Molly where I asked her some questions that can help you:

  • understand what it’s REALLY like to write a traditionally published book, and

  • why your own story has the potential to make a HUGE difference in the world.

In the interview, I ask Molly:

  • How do we figure out what our most important stories are? How did you decide that Strong Women Lift Each Other Up was THE message you had to share with the world? (1:19)

  • Do you have a tip for readers who want to use their stories to help others? [I loved Molly’s answer to this one!] (6:09)

  • What is it like to write a book? What was the hardest part; what was the best part? (9:40)

  • Why did you choose to work with a writing partner (me!) rather than just doing it all yourself? (13:04)

  • What advice do you have for people who want to write a book? [Yaaaas!! I totally second Molly’s answers here!] (18:36)

You can watch the video interview here:

I hope that video gives you some helpful insight!

If you have more questions about what it’s like to write a book (or work with a writing partner like me), just contact me. Tell me what you're wondering about.

Also: if you're in the middle of a big undertaking — keep going. You’ll get there. It can take time, but that magical effort will arrive.

I believe in you and your story. 💖

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